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The Party

Madam Jess

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

With the Naughty November Play Party over a week behind Me, I've finally had some time to decompress and process how great of a night it was. I originally had quite a bit of anxiety about the party, especially with it being the first event I've hosted at Atlanta Dungeon as the Event Coordinator. I really wanted this event to be successful and for everyone to have a good time. Based on feedback from attendees, that does seem to have been the case and which is a huge relief for Me!

There were so many great things about this night, but I wanted to take a few moments to highlight the best. It's important, I think, to point out the good whenever we find it.

To begin with, I cannot thank the friends, partners, and subs who helped put everything together. There is so much that goes into planning an event like this from housekeeping and prepping to food and parking. So, for those of you who brought coolers or managed the door or helped clean up after, I sincerely thank you. We could not do it without you.

Then of course there is the obvious appreciation to all of the Dommes of Atlanta Dungeon who not only promoted the party, but also for their attendance and participation. It was awesome to meet our newest members and make introductions. This party was ultimately for the House and the Sisterhood, and we made a great representation!

My biggest takeaway though, was the amazing diversity that organically came together. There was no targeted audience or theme for this party- simply an open dungeon and a space for kinky people to gather. I've been to a great many play parties over the years, but this one struck me. Every color, ethnicity, gender, size, age, and orientation were represented by random chance. Lifestyle people, Pros, and the simply curious all made an appearance throughout the evening. It was eye opening and beautiful to see how diverse the Atlanta "Community" really is. Several of you have also commented on this and it inspires My heart.

With the first big event behind Me, I'm now looking to the future. There are some obvious areas of improvement for next time and some other things that really worked great and are worth repeating! For example, the outdoor play space and the fire pits in the back were a big hit (once everyone realized they were there!). I'm really looking forward to using what I've learned from this event to influence the next.

And speaking of next... when will the next event be? I'm working on that now and will be posting more soon! Atlanta Dungeon is inherently not an event venue- that's simply not the purpose of the space. But with the success of the Naughty November party, the Atlanta Dungeon mission of Sisterhood and Education, and the need of the Atlanta Community, you can expect there to be at least a few opportunities to visit AD in 2023!

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